Southern Cross Centre

April 2024 Update

Dear Southern Cross Centre Family,

This is the final edition of the Monthly Update that I (Pastor John) will be editing. I want you to know what a privilege it has been for Alaine and me to serve you in the capacity of Senior Church Leaders.

I hope you were able to attend the Sunday service on March 24, recognising 37 years of service as leader of Churchlands, later to become Southern Cross Centre. These have been the best years of my life. Since 1974, over 50 years ago, when I became student pastor of the Cheriton/Lucas Presbyterian Church in Iowa USA, until now, I have treasured the privilege of serving God’s people as a pastor, teacher, and church leader.

I don’t believe most pastors ever actually ‘retire’ from ministry, but they tend to focus more on tasks in ministry they enjoy or feel they’re needed. Alaine and I plan to continue living in Perth and gradually give more support to ministries within the Southern Cross Association of Churches.

We plan to remain active in Southern Cross Centre preaching and otherwise assisting pastor Kierohn as required. We remain committed to the Apostolic vision of SCC and each of you as a valued part of our extended spiritual family. Thank you for your ongoing prayers and support.

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Preaching Schedule

7 April // 1 Corinthians 15:35-58
Preacher: Nikita Kraynev

14 April // 1 Corinthians 16:1-24
[Fire Drill]
Preacher: Kierohn Sims

21 April // 2 Corinthians 1:1-11 
Preacher: Aldis Purins

28 April // 2 Corinthians 1:12-24  
Preacher: John McElroy

If you have missed any previous messages, you can watch past services at

Special dates for your diary:

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Leadership Community Meeting

Our next Leadership Community meeting will be on Wednesday 10 April, at 6.30pm for tea, coffee, and fellowship. The meeting starts promptly at 7.00pm and ends at 8.30pm. We ask that all leaders make these meetings a priority.

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Fire Drill Sunday

We have a Fire Drill on Sunday 14 April to comply with emergency evacuation procedures.

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Men with a Purpose

MWAP will meet for dinner on Wednesday 27 March at 6.00pm. Dinner is available for $10 per person in the evening. The meeting commences at 7.00pm. Please plan to join us and invite a friend.

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Busy Bee

The next Busy Bee will be on Saturday 18 May. This is a time when the church can come together and maintain the wonderful grounds and building the Lord has given us.

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AGM Sunday

Please save the date for the Southern Cross Centre Annual General Meeting on Sunday 9 June.

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Morning Delight

No Morning Delight during the school holidays from 29 March to 14 April.

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“Alaine and I could not have done this work without your prayers and support over the many years we have served as your pastors. We wish you God's guidance and protection as together, we journey into the future God has prepared for His people."

With love,

John & Alaine McElroy